WORCESTER – The City of Worcester launched a survey for residents to express their views on funding priorities for revenue raised through the Community Preservation Act.
On the ballot during the election of 2022, Question 5 asked voters to decide if the City of Worcester would opt-in to the Community Preservation Act. Voters approved the question with 52 percent voting yes.
The Massachusetts Community Preservation Act, found in Chapter 44b of the Massachusetts General Laws, enables municipalities in the state to opt-in to the program, which adds a surcharge to local property taxes. Funds raised through the surcharge are dedicated to the acquisition, creation, preservation and support of community housing, parks and recreational uses and historic buildings and resources.
Worcester voters approved a 1.5 percent surcharge which began n fiscal year 2024.
The survey seeks information from residents to guide prioritizing how these funds will be spent.
The survey is available here.