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City of Worcester Payroll Over Half-Billion Dollars in 2023

By Tom Marino | March 30, 2024
Last Updated: March 30, 2024

WORCESTER – The City of Worcester released the salary and income of all city employees for 2023 this week, showing 69 city employees earning over $200,000, 61 of them part of the Worcester Police Department. The city lists 8,017 employees earning over $523 million, 55 more employees than last year, and a 9.3 percent increase in payroll, from $487 million in 2022.

Using the position titles provided by the city, This Week in Worcester organized employees by agency and compared the totals between 2023 and 2022 for the police department, public schools, and the fire department.

It is important to note that these may not be a comprehensive accounting of each department’s employees and only include employees with “Police,” “WPS,” or “Fire” in the title of each employee. These do include police officers of all ranks up to the chief, firefighters of all ranks up to the chief, and teachers and other public schools employees up to the superintendent.

The full list of employees is available, below.

At the Worcester Police Department, the number of employees decreased from 505 in 2022 to 480 in 2023. Gross pay increased by 3.1 percent, from $63.6 to $65.6 million, with regular pay increasing 3.7 percent from $40.8 million to $42.3 million. Total detail pay increased 13.8 percent, from $10.9 million to $12.4 million. Overtime decreased from $6.4 in 2022 million to $5.4 million in 2023, a difference of 15.9 percent.

At Worcester Public Schools, the number of employees increase from 5,534 in 2022 to 5,744 in 2023. Part of this increase is school busing not being operated by the school system. Total earnings increased from $305 million in 2022 to $345 million in 2023, an increase of 13 percent. Overtime also increased, from $3.5 million in 2022 to $4.1 million in 2023, an increase of 16 percent.

Total gross pay at the Worcester Fire Department decreased from $47 million to $46.5 million (1.2 percent) but regular pay increased from $37.1 million to $40.6 million (9.4%). Overtime decreased by 15.7 percent, from $4.9 million to $4.2 million.

See the full list, below:

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