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Former City Manager’s Firm Accused of Rent Price Fixing

Two companies that manage multi-family rental properties in Worcester are co-defendants in multiple antitrust lawsuits alleging price fixing.

What U.S. DOT Says About the Design of Mill Street

The redesign of a stretch of Mill Street in Worcester that has resulted in a range of criticism. See what the U.S. DOT says about similar designs.

How Mass. May Preserve Home Equity Theft in Worcester

A comprehensive review of home equity theft, how investors try to steal homes, and how the state house is falling short on putting an end to it.

See the Full Findings of a New Report on Worcester PD

See all 34 recommendations in a report commissioned by the city to improve diversity and community relations at the Worcester Police Dept.

Alleged Child Sex Abuser Admitted to Worcester Elementary School

A retired school principal, former School Committee member and alleged child sex abuser was inside a Worcester school reading to students.

Worcester Board of Health Supports Safe Injection Pilot Site

The Board of Health voted unanimously to support a pilot of an overdose prevention center in Worcester during its meeting on Monday, March 4.

Worcester Continues Deed Auctions for as Little as $33 in Unpaid Taxes

A Worcester man is notified the city sold a tax lien deed for his home for taxes he paid, and hundreds more were auctioned for as little as $33 owed.

Mass. Legislature Ranked the Least Efficient in the U.S.

A new analysis finds that the Massachusetts Legislature is the least efficient of all 50 states in 2023.

Report: $1,625 for Fair Market 2-Bedroom Rental in Worcester Area

A new study finds that Massachusetts has the third most expensive housing rental costs, with housing cost unaffordable for those at median income.

How Massachusetts Fails Survivors of Sex Crimes

A local woman's fight for Massachusetts to provide legal protection from a man convicted of sexually abusing her nearly 20 years go.