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Sturbridge Responders Receive Award for Saving Life in Dec.

By Tom Marino | February 28, 2024
Last Updated: February 28, 2024

STURBRIDGE – Worcester County District Attorney Joe Early Jr. recognized a group of first responders and two civilians for saving the life of a retired Sturbridge Police officer in December.

At around 10 PM on Dec. 17, Sandra Murphy called 911 to report she found her husband, Officer Jeffrey Lavallee (Ret.) unconcious and not bnreakthing. Lavallee had earlier said he wasn’t feeling well and went to rest.

Murphy called 911 and asked a tenant in an in-law apartment at the home, East Brookfield Police Officer Matthew Schlegel, for assistance.

Lavallee’s step- son, Brayden, helped Schlegel pull Lavallee from the bed to the floor, where Schlegel began CPR.

Sturbdrige dispatcher Aaron Berry sent Sturbridge Police Officers Daniel Hemingway, Garrett Danna, and Nicole Patterson, to the scene. Danna had an automated external defibrillator machine and administered shocks to Lavallee.

Soon after the officers arrived, Sturbridge Fire Department’s Lt. Sean Moynagh and Joseph Doldoorian reached the scene, took over care of Lavallee and transported him to Harringrton Memorial Hospital.

Lavallee had suffered a heart attack and was put into a medically induced coma. He has since been released from the hospital and is working toward full recorvery.

Early awarded the District Attorney’s Team Excellence and Merit (TEAM) Award to:

  • Sturbridge Police Officers Daniel Hemingway, Garrett Danna, Nicole Patterson;
  • East Brookfield Police Officer Matthew Schlegel;
  • Sturbridge Firefighter/Paramedics Lt. Sean Moynagh and Joseph Doldoorian; and
  • Sturbridge Emergency Communications Unit Dispatchers Benjamin Grasso and Aaron Berry

Murphy and Brayden were awarded civilian honors.

The TEAM Award was created by Mr. Early in 2019 to recognize public safety employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. Contact the Worcester County District
Attorney’s Office at (508) 755-8601 to nominate someone for this award.

Photo courtesy of the Worcester County District Attorney’s Office. Pictured are District Attorney Early and Officer Jeffrey Lavallee with all of the Sturbridge first responders who received the TEAM award, as well as Sturbridge Fire Chief John Grasso (second from right) and Sturbridge Police Chief Earl Dessert (far right).



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