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Scammers Using Fake Shipping Alerts to Steal Personal Information

By Tom Marino | December 28, 2023
Last Updated: December 28, 2023

WORCESTER – The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a consumer alert to warn of scammers using fake shipping notifications to steal personal information. This scam is not unique to the holiday season and is run all year long.

Consumers who order from retailers often receive emails and text messages with updates on the status of their shipment. Scammers use fraudulent shipment and delivery notifications to attempt to steal personal information from consumers. These fraudulent messages frequently say you missed a delivery attempt or that you need to update your shipping preferences by clicking the included link. They also often create a sense of urgency by saying your shipment will be returned if you don’t responded right away.

The messages are designed to entice you to click on the link without thinking about it. The site you land at may look legitimate, but is fake. The side may be able to install harmful software onto your device or request your username and password, personal information, or financial information. That information may lead to enabling access to your online banking, email, or social media accounts that scammers could use to steal your identity and open new accounts in your name.

The FTC provides the following tips to avoid compromising your accounts or identity:

  • If you get a message about an unexpected package delivery that tells you to click on a link for some reason, don’t click.
  • If you think the message might be legitimate, contact the shipping company using a phone number or website you know is real. Don’t use the information in the message.
  • If you think it could be about something you recently ordered, go to the site where you bought the item and look up the shipping and delivery status there.
  • Consider protecting your personal information using these resources from the FTC to help you identify spam text messages, phishing emails, and unwanted calls.


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