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Fr. John Madden Responds to Investigator’s Report of Alleged Misconduct at St. John’s Food for the Poor Program

By Patrick Sargent | July 18, 2022
Last Updated: July 18, 2022

WORCESTER – Father John Madden, pastor of St. John’s parish, responded to the report of the investigation into alleged misconduct at the St. John’s Food for the Poor program on Monday via social media.

Fr. Madden posted a video on Facebook to address the report’s findings, which were released on July 14.

“For the past several months, while being very publicly slandered and libel, I have remained silent. I knew the truth,” Fr. Madden said in his video. “I trusted the process, as well as the integrity and professionalism of the person charged with investigating the allegations made against me.”

“At this time, I state publicly and unequivocally that the accusations made against me were false,” Fr. Madden continued.

Watch the Full Video of Fr. Madden’s Response Below

The Diocese of Worcester released a heavily redacted 72-page report on findings from the investigation into alleged inappropriate conduct by former St. John’s Food for the Poor director William “Billy” Riley.

Hennigan’s investigation also looked into Fr. Madden’s alleged involvement and inappropriate conduct, including claims of witness manipulation by paying money for the benefit of an individual who could be involved in the investigation. Hennigan’s investigation concluded that all claims against Fr. Madden were not warranted.

“My deepest gratitude goes to the volunteers at our Food for the Poor ministry. Your work, first during the height of the pandemic and now during this investigation, has been done with understanding, sympathy and love toward all those that come to us every day,” Fr. Madden said in his video.

“Now that the investigation has been completed, our Food for the Poor St. Francis Xavier Center, both through its weekday meal and Saturday food pantry, will continue to provide a safe and welcoming place for all people,” Fr. Madden said.

Findings from the investigation into Riley’s alleged inappropriate conduct with female patrons at the Food for the program were completely redacted. However, Riley resigned from the program director position on July 13, according to the Diocese of Worcester.

Attorney Robert J. Hennigan Jr. of Worcester conducted the independent investigation. The investigation started on March 17. The released report details three separate complaints against Riley, but the full examination of each complaint is nearly all redacted.

The redactions uphold the privacy of the claimants and people who cooperated in the investigation and the employee under Massachusetts employment law.

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