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School Committee to Consider Limited In-Class Schedule

By Tom Marino | July 20, 2020
Last Updated: February 2, 2021

Documentation provided with the agenda for the Worcester School Committee special meeting on Monday, July 20, at 5:30 PM, shows that no school in Worcester could accommodate 100% of students at the same time while maintaining six feet of social distancing.

Only 11 Worcester Public Schools [WPS] could accommodate 50% of students 50% of the time. At these schools, the documentation shows students would physically attend school just two days per week.

Twenty-eight schools could accommodate only 33% of students at one time. At these schools, students would physically attend school just one day per week.

In both scenarios, students would engage in daily remote learning all weekdays they were not physically at school.

Bus Capacity

School bus capacity is also a complex problem while maintaining physical distancing.

While large buses have the capacity for 71 elementary students and 47 secondary students, while maintaining 6 feet of distance, the capacity drops to just 12 students.

Mid-size buses see capacity drop from 16 to just 4 students.

Over 11,000 students take WPS transportation daily, accounting for about 45% of the student population. Students had traveled on 101 large and 74 mid-sized buses.

The special session of the School Committee is meeting virtually. You can find instructions to attend here.

Reopening is the only item on the meeting agenda.

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