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WRTA Awarded $527k to Expand On-Demand Service in Shrewsbury

By TWIW Staff | March 24, 2021
Last Updated: March 24, 2021

WORCESTER COUNTY – The Worcester Regional Transit Authority [WRTA] has received a grant for $527,986 from Massachusetts Department of Transportation [MassDOT] as part of $3.5 million in grants to Regional Transit Authorities.

The WRTA will use their grant to continue operations of the Via=WRTA on-demand microtransit service in Westborough and expand that service area into Shrewsbury.

“Over $10 million in funding has been awarded to support Regional Transit Authorities in their continued efforts to increase ridership, develop innovative and sustainable service models and practices, and create accessible and reliable transportation connections across the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The funding helps RTAs meet their identified goals of improving customer service, develop pilot programs and micro transit opportunities to further extend service locations, and to provide more efficient transportation options that are specific to each regional area.”

The WRTA launched a Pilot program with VIA in Westborough last year.

The RTA recipients were selected based upon factors such as whether projects will increase ridership, demonstrate innovation, serve a priority population, be financially sustainable, and provide cost savings or operational efficiencies. Applicants were also requested to have complete business plans and present measurable milestones.

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